About Us

We Work Hard To Provide You The Best New Porn Mags As They Become Available And Keep An Extensive Back Catalogue For Your Collection.

We update our website with brand new issues as they become available but we also have quite an extensive back catalogue in stock that we endeavour to add as we find time. Distributing new issues to wholesalers and retail outlets is the main part of our business so we add these as they arrive to us from the publishers so they are available for you to buy before they arrive in the shops in the vast majority of occasions. We add to the back catalogue as and when we find the time and as such we have in excess of 50,000 magazines either is stock, circulation or “on the water” waiting for arrival, so, if you are looking for any particular titles then please use the contact form to let us know what is on your wish list.

Our Company

Our Company has been trading since 2005 and has been distributing porn magazines, adult magazines, top shelf magazines call them whatever you like, to newsagents, convenience stores, sex shops, garage forecourts and even the public with individual hand delivered subscriptions occasionally.

We have never been comfortable with online sales as we have not wanted to be seen as cutting out the middleman, by supplying the public on a grand scale. However these days newsagents are becoming rarer, as are convenient stores or garage forecourts even selling newspapers and magazines anymore. This is the reason we changed our mind and decided to sell online. Not because it means we have fewer retail outlets to supply, but because people have less places to buy. We hear how people are having to travel miles to buy, simply because they cannot buy them locally anymore. When your local shop you have been buying from for years and years suddenly closes down or turns into a coffee shop where do you go?…………………..


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